Swag Pack Special Price
#OrbisLudens is offering a special price Swag Pack with pin, patch and 9 part biocard set in our Swag Shop https://shop.orbisludens.com/ Pick up is available at #SchlossKaltenberg for the #EpiphanyNight2018 event, or you can choose shipping, which will commence mid June. All items are already with us and look amazing! The #XFaction #OrbisLudensTeam isn’t just full of amazingly dedicated #Explorer agents, like Gargish, Nosmium and Burli. It also has some of Europe’s most talented #Ingress #Swag producers and enthusiastic Swag Traders, such as UPafus, suedschwede, Janis1979, Noeky1980, Berndorin, SmokeMaster, bungh0l10, J@yB@se and HeterTheMoth.
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