Author Posts

Swag Pack Special Price

#OrbisLudens is offering a special price Swag Pack with pin, patch and 9 part biocard set in our Swag Shop Pick up is available at #SchlossKaltenberg for the #EpiphanyNight2018 event, or you can choose shipping, which will commence mid June. All items are already with us and look amazing! The #XFaction #OrbisLudensTeam isn’t just full of amazingly dedicated #Explorer agents, like Gargish, Nosmium and Burli. It also has some of Europe’s most talented #Ingress #Swag producers and enthusiastic Swag Traders, such as UPafus, suedschwede, Janis1979, Noeky1980, Berndorin, SmokeMaster, bungh0l10, J@yB@se and HeterTheMoth.

Free live wallpaper available

Go on Google play and download our amazing live wallpaper!!! It’s free, but of course you are welcome to leave a small donation at our shop, 😋

Shop online

You like Orbis Ludens? You like swag as much as we do? You want to support us? So we have good news for you: Our shop is online now!! Free Pick up is available at the event in Kaltenberg. We will start shipping after the event.

A weekend full of progress

In the last couple of days part of the #OrbisLudens Team met to work on the globe. Trial and error, learning and evolving of the different materials and techniques affected all of the members. Sometimes it felt like being tared and feathered for some of them^^ But in the end everyone is very proud of what they have created. Tired and happy they went out to play some missions and enjoy the beautiful weather. Stay tuned how this process keeps on moving!!!

#Explorers have used the stars as a compass for millennia

From ancient egyptians pyramids to Piri Reis Antarctica map it seems that something beyond the stars influenced human genius. +Hank Johnson himself connected the terrestrial map with star constellations on his search for traces of #DarkXM. Now a Group of collaborating agents is trying to calculate the correct shaper glyphs, the necessary Portal, and the amount of Exotic Matter required to track down the conspiratorial #Osiris secret.